Tips to increase your sales online

It has been over a decade since the e-commerce first evolved. Researcher and practitioners in the electronic commerce constantly strive to obtain insight in consumer behavior in cyberspace. Online retailers continuously work on Increasing competitiveness over in-store sales and the control of profitable sales. The following suggest certain vital points of the latest online shopping trend and a glimpse into shoppers buying behaviors.

Be Specific and Detailed

Don’t be too avid to target everyone as every business has its’ own target market by means of genders, ages, geography and sometimes season. It’s important to profile and segment them according to your offer. Knowing where your audiences are and work on your web domain may increase your search ranking in that particular location. In order to fulfill your audience needs, know your products thoroughly first before trading your business overseas in untested water.

Be Supportive

Be helpful over hard sell on your website. People usually go online to look for free information. Try not to be over pitchy in your business overview as you may tend to turn your visitors off before you manage to sell them anything. Let your customers have a peace of mind to shop at your store by being there (chat support, skype , commercial support , after sales service etc ) when they need help. Treat it as essentials over hassle to win customers’ heart in  a long run. In addition, half of shoppers say tracking services for online purchases are necessary [Comscore].

Appealing Web Page

A picture tells a thousand words. Web owner should work on having their web designer or content distributors adding the relevant pictures alongside with the products’ description.  Even though research shown that 75% shoppers [Media PostZendesk] still prefer the experience of brick and mortar store. Online retailer can compete with in-store sales by having appealing visual contents, attractive and interactive web store to help buyers making decision. Furthermore, this also makes the business look solid in the eyes of customers as well as function as sales boosters and loyalty stimulators.

The Power of Words of Mouth

39.4% online shoppers [Media Post] said they were checking product reviews before making any purchase. Having this in mind, collect your current customers’ testimonials/ pictures showcasing your products. Merchants can cleverly do so by offering some product samples/promotions to customers to appreciate their effort. Having organic recommendations from users is way better than any advertisement to boost your product’s desirability. Get credibility from the clients that you have served to gain visitors’ trust in your business.

Get Found on Multiple Gadgets

Today the amount of trade that is conducted electronically using e-commerce has increased with a wide spread usage of internet and technology. Some says- shopping gets complicated and it’s somehow true. Buyer’s path to purchase often involves several online steps. With the revolution of mobile and the technology, consumers now spend more time interacting with online retailers on smartphones and tablets  (55%) than via desktops and laptops (45%). Mobile can be interpreted as an ancillary device where  shoppers normally browse with mobile or tablets for reviews and any available promotional before making any purchase. With the progress of technology, online retailer definitely do not want to miss out online shoppers that like to explore products from multiple angles or devices.

Reliable Merchant Service Provider , Payment System

Shoppers tend to have lots of expectations when it comes to online shopping. Online shoppers believe they deserve the same treatment and customer service as the physical store offered. Simple yet pleasant shopping experience comes with a smooth and seamless checkout is appreciable especially for online business. Having a reliable merchant account provider have a large impact on where shoppers buy, the amount money spent and the return rate for future purchases. Develop multiple payment methods – even “insecure“ payment like open invoice or direct debit only to trustworthy group of good customers if it’s not troublesome.

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One comment

  1. This is all great advice for someone starting up a small e-commerce business. As expansion becomes an option, I would recommend employing an inventory management system. is top-notch, especially when it comes to US-Asia shipping logistics. I hope this helps someone take their business to the next level!

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