Merchant Services Tips that make your business stand out from the rest

Being an online merchant or retailer, you may already know how the use of online payment is growing. Then you must also already be aware of the increasing competition triggered after this increase in worldwide online transactions. It has certainly changed the way of how you view your competitors as well as how you manage your payment services.

As most merchants and retailers offer secure online payments to their customers, it is no longer considered a competitive advantage. It is necessary for online dealer to take extra measures to make sure your site stand out from others in the same industry.

Here are a few things you can do to make your online store more attractive and user friendly:

Revamp Your Website

There have been many studies into how colours can provoke different reactions in people and their emotional responses. Website occupied with appealing high-resolution images enable the customers to stay on your site a little longer and high possibility to put an order. Make sure the images highlight the main features and unique selling points of your options. Don’t confuse clients by having a picture of something you don’t offer just because the picture seemed to fit that exact spot (you would be surprised how often people do this). For example, if you don’t accept certain cards, be clear about this before your client goes through the entire payment process only to be left hanging with their order.

In addition, merchants’ site can add images and icons that guide the customer through the payment process. Many online payments came to a halt at the last step because payment confirmation page is not visible to the client. Close-ups and easy to read fonts on buttons or in information guidelines are essential. You can even consider to include a video to demonstrate the payment process, giving your client confidence in using your online payment system.

Don’t Forget To Add a Trusted Name

Using a trusted source is necessary if you want your online payment system to survive in the highly competitive online marketplace. Choose one that is easy, safe and recognized internationally. If your source is not used all over the world and is not popular among your target groups, you may scare away potential users. Having a relatively common setup on your website will increase your validity. Moreover, giving customers a way to pay through a preferred method can help increase brand loyalty.

Easy Currency Conversion

If you are operating in international markets and have clients all over the world, make sure your website features a currency conversion tool. Better yet, it should display the prices in the customer’s home currency. In this regard, it is highly recommended that your payment partner have local payment partners as they tend to offer accurate and up to date commercial rates.

Immediate Confirmation

Most retailers offer real time booking via online payment. A confirmation puts the buyer at ease and gives them a guideline to the shipping period. This is expected when purchasing online and a customer won’t think twice before switching to other online stores if yours lacks the immediate confirmation feature. Guarantee payments, confirmation upon availability and other related benefits is what makes online shopping convenient and comfortable.

Try a Social Media Shout Out

You may be losing many of your potential customers if you are not vocal about the ease of your online payment options on social media. Reinforce how easy it is to shop on your site by outlining your payment system features and offering great deals and promotions.

Live Chat Support Customization

At times, customers may not be able to process a request due to technical errors or new customers are unsure about the use of a website’s online payment system. Make it easy for them to ask questions. A live chat is a great way to resolve immediate concerns. Customer support such as “send an email and we will get back to you within 24 hours” no longer works and may cost you online sales. That’s right, they have already moved on to another site that offers real time online shopping support.


It all comes down to customization. Your online store should offer a personalized experience to visitors based on their location as well on their past purchases. The faster and more customized your online system is, the more successful it will be in the competitive retail arena. Repeated clients can be rewarded with special promotion or get notified earlier before new products are launched.


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